New AI Assistant

You are about to create your very own AI assistant. We have prepared this onboarding quiz to help you train it about you and your business.
This questionnaire will help us to create the assistant. It will take a few minutes to complete, but it ensures that the assistant will be able to answer your customers' questions correctly.

You can skip some questions if you don't know the answer, these can be answered later in the training section of your assistant.

Important: Please make sure to be as specific as possible. The more information you provide, the better the assistant will be able to help your customers.

Your company name

Make sure the assistant knows who it works for

Internal name

This is your internal name, so you can recognize this assistant if you have more of them.

Chatbot name

This will be displayed as the name of your assistant when the user chats with it.

Chat introduction

First message shown when the user opens the popup

What is the nature of your business?

Describe your company, what do you offer, what industry is it.

What language do your customers speak?

By default it can speak all languages, but you can force it to one language if needed.

Assistant tone?

Should your assistant be funny, excited, serious, angry?

Phone numbers or email addresses it should send customers

A list of contact channels the assistant should send your customers if it needs to.

Office opening hours

When are you able to take calls or reply to emails? We would not want to tell your customers to pester you outside of your working hours!

Your email address

We will create you an account